Category: Reflection


What is an intellectual, what is intellectualism, and how do we classify intellectuals? These are difficult questions to ask and harder still to provide answers to. Such concepts are not naturally existing in human society. Therefore they must be constructed and defined. Since there are so many forms of intellectualism and intellectuals, it is difficult to determine what qualities make up such a state. To begin, one would have to outline what qualities make up an intellectual. These characteristics would have to be broad and far-reaching as there are bound to be many different kinds of intellectuals. Before that however, one needs to define what exactly is an intellectual. This set of characteristics would be vast and apply to every person. Once such a list is created and defined, then it would be easier to apply this set of characteristics to a greater population and begin the task of classifying the different kinds of intellectualism in society. Continue reading

The title to this note is also my exam question in my sociology class called power and stratification. For the past while we’ve been on topics revolving around inequality; racial, sex, and now prisonersĀ in jails. And, this question/remark came up again in our lecture dealing with inmates getting their educations in jails and the difficulties that lie on their path. And I left the class thinking about that question/statement: Anyone can be successful with hard work. I say “question” because on the exam it will say explain this statement. Why is it true or false. So, this is what started coming to mind as I pondered this more. Continue reading